Biblioteca Virtual Fandom

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Biblioteca Virtual Fandom
Biblioteca Virtual Fandom

Plantilla:StoryThe Booby Prize - Planted! is a comic story by an unknown author and artist (who may be one and the same). It features Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Pinocchio.


At a flower show, Donald tricks the steward into smelling flowers sprinkled with sneezing powder. He's pleased with his prank - until the judge gives him his comeuppance when it comes time to award the prizes


  • At the Disneyville Flower Show, Mickey Mouse came in first place, while Pinocchio came in second.

Behind the scenes[]

The Booby Prize - Planted! was first printed in 1949 in Mickey Mouse Weekly #495. To date, it has never been reprinted.

As in most issues of Mickey Mouse Weekly published at the time, the story doubles as the cover of the issue, with the main content of the story taking up the lower third of the cover and the story's splash panel taking up the remaining space.