Biblioteca Virtual Fandom

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Biblioteca Virtual Fandom
Biblioteca Virtual Fandom

Magical Moms is the title of the 110th issue of the Italian comics series W.I.T.C.H.


This issue shows that the bond between mother and daughter is extremely strong. The Guardians decide to plan a surprise for their mothers and meet up for a surprise party.

Cornelia manages to convince her mom that some things are more important than her work, whilst Taranee and her mom have a fight after Taranee buys a phone without Teresa's permission, however they make up. Susan Collins convinces Will to start helping out around the house even though Matt sees Will with a chef's hat on!

Meanwhile, Hay Lin and her mom spend some quality time together looking at the trousseau Joan collected for Hay Lin. Irma and Anna get a shock when Anna's mom faints and Irma has to cheer her up. Also, We's mom appears in this story.

Trivia and Goofs[]

  • Joan Lin's kimono is not a proper furisode as it doesn't have the trademark long sleeves. This might have been due to lack of research on the artist's part.


